• Ilkhom Makhkambaev

    I help people to solve their problems related to:

    • To set up smooth coordination and deals with Government, Business and Civil Sector
    • Negotiations
    • Provide clear based networking
    • Business Development, new market
    • Marketing & Sales


  • Hi, my name is Ilkhom and I have vast experience in the Civil, Public and Private Sector due to the jobs held for the last 17 years. I am an expert in areas of project implementation and evaluation, civil society sector development, marketing, sales, negotiation and fundraising. I love to make things happen, love to bring change and follow up. This website is my window to the world where you can find more about me and then get in touch


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    Union of Directors Entrepreneurs of Tajikistan


    January 2022 up to present




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    National Association of Dehkan Farms of the Republic of Tajikistan (NADF RT)

    Project Manager / Senior Advisor

    September 2021 up to present

    Overall Design, Management, Evaluation and Implementation project "Tajikistan Socio-Economic Resilience Strengthening Program (Sersp)" in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) financed by the National Social Investment Fund of Tajikistan (NSIFT) (project size 1,5 mln. USD)


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    International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

    Marketing Strategy Consultant

    "Labour Migration Programme-Central Asia" initiative to promote evidence-based governance of labor mobility within the Central Asian corridor. Enhancing the operational efficiency and market performance of Private Recruitment Agencies (PRAs) and State Recruitment Agencies (SRAs). Tasks included: (a) Develop strategies to streamline management processes (b) Support SRAs and PRAs in reinforcing their market presence, developing robust marketing strategies, and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of their operation (c) Facilitate and strengthen collaborations between PRAs, SRAs, vocational training institutions and employers abroad

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    Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

    Capacity Building Expert

    April 2024 to June 2024

    To support the Center for Implementation of Investment Projects in getting accreditation from the Green Climate Fund. Assistance included: (a) Developing, organizing, and systemizing the necessary documentation (b) Digital Tools and Platform Implementation (c) Procedural Recommendations and Enhancements

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    UNDP Tajikistan

    Mid-term review: Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant

    September 2023 - January 2024

    Project mid-term review "An integrated landscape approach to enhancing the climate resilience of small-scale farmers and pastoralists in Tajikistan” PIMS No. 6219

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    Islamic Development Bank

    Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant

    October 2022 - February 2023

    Execution of the post-evaluation on the Ravshan electricity substation. The evaluation was based on internationally accepted MDBs and OECD/DAC (Development Assistance Committee) evaluation criteria of Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Sustainability, along with two additional criteria: Bank performance and the performance of the beneficiary of IsDB financing

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    Movimentar GmbH (Germany)

    Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant

    Jan 2020 up to present (part time)

    A social enterprise providing advisory, training, and software-development services for organisations and individuals working in sustainable development and humanitarian actions.

    Monitoring and Evaluation of programms in Tajikistan
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    Eurasia Foundation Central Asia, Tajikistan

    Program Director

    September 2015 - September 2022

    Overall Design, Management, Evaluation and Implementation of more than 7 projects funded by USAID, EU, UNDP etc. (average project size more than 1 mln USD) Promoting close relationships among Civil Society, Government and Business CommunityInvolved through program activities in systematic change in different Government Bodie

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    Consultative Council on improvement of business climate under the President of Tajikistan

    Senior Advisor on Development of Private Sector

    June 2014 - March 2018


    • Evaluation of the performance of SMEs based on the provided reports
    • Conducting research analyses and identifying gaps and weaknesses of existing SMEs and recommending a tailored package of training; coaching and mentoring to support and facilitate the transition of community enterprise into profitable businesses;
    • Lead the development and management of several key economic development programmes, particularly those related to local and national infrastructure investment;
    • Support to the Head of the consultative council in matters related to the development of the private sector
    • Supporting Small and Medium Size Enterprises
    • Set up the reporting and monitoring system
    • Advocacy and promotion of reforms for the development
    • Promoting the Involvement of civil society and the private sector in the daily operation of the organisation, with ideas, recommendations
    • The consultative council received 2 awards after June 2014 (“Doing Business” and Howard Award in Innovation”)
    • Etc.
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    American Chamber of Commerce, Tajikistan

    Executive Director

    Oct 2011 – June 2015


    • Turn the association from zero into the number one leading association in the country.
    • Promoting close relationships among Civil Society Organisations, Business Entities and Government Bodies
    • Connecting and providing services to Small and Medium Size Enterprises with large international Companies
    • Implementation of joint projects with Civil Society Organisations (VSO, EFCA etc.) and Business members of association/ projects like “Global Entrepreneurship Week”, “Speed Mentoring”
    • Number of members increased from 23 to 50 companies
    • Association is financially stable and has a growth of 13% per year
    • Representative of Extractive Industries (Tethys Petrolium & Comsup commodities) in Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Tajikistan

    Please click here to check the results: http://bit.ly/1EA3JpC

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    Aga Khan Foundation, MSDSP

    Head of Enterprise and Tourism Department

    Aug 2006 to Nov 2010 


    • Focus on the development of Micro, Small and Medium Size Enterprises (MSMEs) and business incubators
    • Continuous job capacity building for Civil Society Organisations and SMEs in 3 regions (Khatlon, Pamir, Rasht)
    • Activities related to strengthening SMEs and local Civil Society Organisations at regional and district levels through promoting business approaches (Khatlon, Pamir, Rasht)
    • Development of projects for joint activities between SMEs (includes setting up 4 business incubators in regions)
    • Development and writing of proposals for the donors and their implementation
    • Set up from zero Pamir Eco-Cultural Tourism Association (PECTA)
    • Development of a strategy for “Smart Money” for SME and Civil Society Organisations
    • etc.
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    British American Tobacco, Tajikistan

    Country Manager  

    1999 – 2005


    • Set up the office from zero and entered the market with a new brand.
    • Within 5 years, the market share of the company increased from 2% to 25% by 2005
    • Set up full marketing and management infrastructure for the company's operations
    • Import and sales of cigarettes (Kent, PallMall, Lucky Strike, Hollywood etc.) into Tajik market
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    “Project Flood Management in Khatlon Region, Tajikistan financed by Asian Development Bank”

    Private sector and Financial Analyst

    Dec 2006 to March 2007

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    Project on “Waste Management “ in Dushanbe City, Project financed by EBRD

    Business Consultant / Financial Consultant 

    Dec 2006 – Feb 2007




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    Internet Service Centre “IMPIRE #1”

    Managing Director

    Sep 2005 – Aug 2006




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    Asian Development Bank / Scanagri – project: Farm Debt Resolution

    Deputy of Team Leader

    Private sector and Financial Consultant

    Sep 2003 – June 2004




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    United Office for Project

    Services (UNOPS), Gharm, Tajikistan

    Programme Assistant, Finance Assistant, Administrative assistant

    1997 – 1999 


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    Embassy of India, Tajikistan

    Translator, personal assistant to the ambassador  

    July 1997 – Oct 1997

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    Tajik Agrarian University

    Lecturer (theoretical mechanics, machine parts and handling equipment)

    1993 – 1995



    It is better to be on the top of the change rather than to resist to it !!!!!!!




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    India, University of Puna, Faculty of Management Science



    Master of Business Administration,  (MBA)

    1995 - 1997

    Major specialising subject – Marketing management, Management, Financial management, administration




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    Tajik Agrarian University

    Mechanical Engineer

     1988 - 1993



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    Trainings and Studies undertaken during professional work  

    1. “International Visitor’s Leadership Programme” (IVLP) USA, intensive business study visiting 8 cities and 5 states, September 2013, 5 month (developing skills in: Advocacy, International Marketing, Role Civil Society, Leadership, Business Development, Entrepreneurship
    2. Enterprise development training” New Hampshire University, USA, (14 days) June 2008
    3. Central Eurasia Leadership Academy (CELA) – “Development of Leadership skills” (15 days training in Istanbul) July 2006, funded by US multimillionaires
    4. “Communication training” (5 days) – 2001 – Kazakhstan
    5. “Presentation skills” (10 days) -2002 –Kazakhstan
    6. “Team building” (5 days) – 2003 – Kazakhstan
    7. “Product knowledge” – 2004 – Uzbekistan
    8. “Financial management procedure settings” (5 days) -2004 – Kazakhstan
    9. “Enterprise Development Workshop based on value chain analyses” (5 days) Institute of Rural Development, Ananad, India September 2007
    10. “Result Based Management in implementation of projects
    11. “Cross border training” (7 days) Inwent, Germany
    12. “Best practices in enterprise development” Lusaka, Zambia, (15 days) October 2009
    13. “Business Integrity, Transparency and Compliance” Workshop and Executive Training June 2012 and July 2013 Almaty, organised by Central European School of Business, Hungary
    14. “Development of Export and Economic Integration in Central Asia” 3 workshops in May, July, September 2012
    15. + 32 more trainings
  • My Hobby

    IT technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), advanced skills in website programming majoring in PHP, HTML, Java (more than 17 web projects are completed as an example: www.ef-ca.tj , www.farogir.tj etc. )


    Case to case, I usually conduct trainings on different marketing topics as below:

    How to increase your sales (conducted under the project of the National Association of Business Women of Tajikistan)

    How to expand your business (conducted under the project of DAI)

    Economic sustainability (under the project of the World Bank)



    Please click here to see short videos on trainings conducted on "How to pick up sales": http://bit.ly/2PCVLJ7   http://bit.ly/2PAtUsJ   


    Please click here to see the presentation on Social Entrepreneurship Project implemented: LINK



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